Have you ever wanted to learn a foreign language but didn’t have time? Now in only 2 months, you can learn enough Russian to be dropped in the middle of Moscow, Russia.
For a limited time, get 30% off with this Code: Pimsleur

I landed in Kiev, Ukraine in the summer of 2018. My first Uber driver spoke only Russian. Over the next few days, the only language I heard was Russian.* I had to speak Russian when buying food or starve to death. I had to read Russian when crossing the street or get hit by a car.
*Except for the few Ukrainians who spoke English – Do People Speak English in Poland, Czech, or Ukraine
Two months earlier I did not know one Russian word.
I survived Kiev because of Pimsleur.
You can also learn the basics of Russian in just 60 days.
You will not be fluent. But, you’ll be able to order маленькая кофе (small coffee) with no problem.
Also, you will feel amazing when you realize people can understand you.
Russian speakers will be impressed because few people try to learn Russian.
Not as hard as Reputation
People say that Russian is one of the hardest languages for English speakers to learn.
While it probably takes many years to become anywhere close to fluent, the basics are not that hard.
You can learn with a good structured slow-paced course.
Pimsleur starts off with the scary, strange Russian alphabet. For example:
ж ф ц з ю
The alphabet is called Cyrillic. It is used by most Slavic people. It is found in Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Belarus, etc.
The Cyrillic alphabet is actually easy to learn because almost every letter has a sound in English. And some of the letters are the same.
For example, ф = “F” sound in English. Just plug in “F” when you see “ф.”
фото = photo
After the alphabet, Pimsleur teaches you basic greetings, simple conversations, numbers, and basic reading.
In later lessons, you will learn the biggest concept in the Russian language – cases.
Ease of Use
Pimsleur makes learning a language convenient and easy.
Everyone has a busy schedule. The lessons are tailored to maximize your learning without sacrificing your free time.
Each 30-minute lesson is easy to complete.
You can listen on your morning commute, at the gym, or while cooking.
Also, you can use it on any device you want. On your iPhone, Android, iPod, computer, pretty much anything.
The Pimsleur learning method is not like the old textbooks and drills we all had in high school Spanish.
It’s even better than 10 years ago. Back then, if you wanted to learn a language, you had to get 30 physical CDs and try not to lose them.
Pimsleur’s low price will save you money. You will have extra money to buy headphones as I’ll mention below.
Pimsleur does not cost $479 like other courses.
Currently, prices range from as little as $20 per month.
I used the Pimsleur Learn Russian Levels 1-3. I paid $288.00.
However, for a limited time, you can pay much less.
Simply use this discount code: Pimsleur
That coupon code will get you 25% off.
Helpful Learning Tips
Tip: Don’t ignore pronunciation.
Just getting comfortable with the Cyrillic alphabet and the long 15 letter words might take most of your attention in the beginning. But, don’t ignore pronunciation.
Trust me, you may not be super concerned about how you sound, but Russian speakers will not be able to understand you if you don’t pronounce the words decently.
To help with this, use good headphones. I always recommend Bose Headphones.
Tip: Write out old style notecards. (Yes, it’s 2019, but writing out notecards will help you learn)
Russian is Useful
Russian is the 7th largest language in the world.
Also, Russian is a foundational language. If you learn Russian, it will be easier to learn Ukrainian, Polish, and Czech, and many other languages.
In summary:
When I started traveling, I became interested in Eastern Europe. As a result, I figured learning Russian would be the most beneficial language for me.
If you love to travel, you are also probably interested in learning another language.
Pimsleur makes it easy.
(In addition to Russian, Pimsleur offers courses in 14 other languages such as Spanish, French, Mandarin, etc.)
Get Started Now!

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